Just a little about me…


I married my bride, Tina, in 1989 and we have two amazing daughters, two wonderful sons-in-law, and seven grandchildren. My wife and I reside in Clarksville, Tennessee, and have two crazy Siberian Huskies. Our property is named Applewood and is located in the middle of Clarksville on 6.5 acres with access to the Red River.  


As for my military service, I retired from the United States Army in 2011 as a Master Sergeant with the 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne) as a Special Forces qualified soldier – Green Beret. My retirement from active duty came after twenty years of service with multiple deployments around the world from humanitarian needs, supporting both UN and NATO operations, and six combat rotations to Afghanistan and Iraq as a Green Beret in response to the attack on the United States in September 2001.


Today, I serve as President and Founder of Team Room: War, Hope, and Growth, a 501(c)3 nonprofit educational ministry that seeks to educate others who desire to minister among and work with combat veterans and their family members. Team Room: War, Hope, and Growth travels throughout the United States and Ukraine to speak on sixteen topics developed over time based on the needs of those seeking to understand ministry and care among combat veterans and their families from a trauma-informed position through a Christian worldview. I also started the Team Room Talk YouTube Channel to share quick videos on all things Team Room, from the lessons and travel updates to new projects. In addition to leading a new nonprofit,  I also serve as the Area Director in Kentucky and Tennessee with Soul Survivor Outdoor. Soul Survivor Outdoor is a Christ-centered outdoor adventure organization that provides resiliency and spiritual fitness events for active-duty service members across the United States focusing on military service, identity, purpose, and value from a Christian worldview. While my focus is serving units assigned to Fort Campbell, Kentucky, there are times when I travel to other locations to host and speak at events.


My work with veterans and families struggling with posttraumatic stress caused by war began with my role as the Military Pastor in 2016 at First Baptist Church in Clarksville, Tennessee. It was during this time that I asked the question of why so few churches near a military community were willing or capable of providing trauma-informed care for those struggling with the residue of war. Thus, my doctoral studies focused on developing an educational program to equip local churches in developing an integrated trauma care ministry. During those studies, I was invited to speak at Joni and Friends Warrior Getaways across the United States and minister among our combat veterans and their family members based on my educational and pastoral ministry focus, career solider, ground combat experience, and being a veteran diagnosed with and receiving benefits for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) caused by war, traumatic brain injury (TBI), depression, and a host of other service-connected medical issues requiring many surgeries.


So keep watching for new posts as I continue serving warriors or find myself somewhere goofing off with my family!


All the best!



Dr. Richard E. Davis

MSG, USA (Retired)

De Oppresso Liber

Strength and Honor

Titus 3:3-7




My expertise in this field of study and ministry includes:


Doctor of Educational Ministry (DEdMin), Master of Theology-Applied Theology (ThM-AT), Master of Theological Studies-Missions Emphasis (MTS) with Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, and a Bachelor of Science in Religion with Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.


Certified Trauma Professional (CTP) through Evergreen Certifications in 2018 as ordained clergy with yearly continuing education requirements to maintain the certification. The current certification expires in October 2025. For an updated list of completed Continuing Education (CE) training to maintain the certification, please visit Team Room: War, Hope, and Growth


Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) in 2010.


Licensed (2011) and Ordained in the work of the Gospel Ministry since 2014.


My doctoral work is available on ProQuest and titled, Educating Local Church Representatives on Developing Integrated Trauma Care Ministries in the Clarksville-Montgomery County, Tennessee, Area to Care for Spouses of Soldiers Struggling with Combat Trauma.





Copyright © 2025 Rich E. Davis