Informed Trauma Care

Jul 24, 2023

Informed Trauma Care from a Christian Worldview

Gaming with Grandkids

Playing basketball on the new XBox! Two decades ago, I enjoyed a variety of games. But when I retired from the military in 2011, I also left behind the gaming to dedicate my time to college and seminary. After thirteen years of study and earning two master's degrees...

Terrorism in Ukraine

The aerial attack conducted by Russia on December 29th is being reported by many news agencies as hitting “Ukrainian targets.” These “targets” were shopping centers, apartment buildings, multiple schools, and a medical facility. The attack occurred at 6:30 p.m. in...

Return Trip to Ukraine

My wife and I recently concluded a second trip to Ukraine teaching lessons that focus on combat traumatic stress and discipleship. The sessions are offered through the Institute of Leadership, Management, and Coaching at the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary in...

My Time in Lviv

A couple reflections about my recent visit to Ukraine.  Although I arrived in Lviv to lead discussions on combat traumatic stress and discipleship at the Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary Institute for Leadership Management and Coaching, I was personally...

I Wanted to Quit

I wanted to quit working on my doctoral studies several times. Besides the common challenges that come with the progression of writing, editing, and rewriting chapters, there were plenty of days when getting any words on a page were difficult. Those blank stares at a...

More on Combat-Related Trauma Care, Growth, and Hope

Coming Soon...

Be watching for more content on combat-related trauma care from recommended books, resources, etc.


Copyright © 2024 Rich E. Davis