The aerial attack conducted by Russia on December 29th is being reported by many news agencies as hitting “Ukrainian targets.” These “targets” were shopping centers, apartment buildings, multiple schools, and a medical facility. The attack occurred at 6:30 p.m. in Ukraine when many people are out shopping or having dinner as my wife and I experienced while in Ukraine recently (see other blog posts on our ministry efforts in Lviv).
These are not military targets! This is terrorism! Know the difference. Just like knowing that Russia kidnapped over 19,000 Ukrainian children since the war began and why the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued an arrest warrants for Putin and for the Russian Commissioner for Children’s Rights, Maria Lvova-Belova who oversees the forced deportations of Ukrainian children to Russia (Kyiv Independent reporting). Stealing Ukrainian children and keeping them captive in Russia is terrorism!
This is the face of Russia’s terrorism in Ukraine. Stealing children and attacking civilians.
Ever since our government announced reduced United States aid to Ukraine in December, the aerial attacks have only increased.
How do I know this?
I have the same app used by Ukrainians to alert them to various attacks across Ukraine. The app sends alerts by city/region with messages when to take cover because the attack is imminent and when the threat is over. I have kept this app active to pray for our friends and for Ukraine when the alerts come in. Since coming home and the United States government’s recent announcement of reducing aid to Ukraine, the alerts of Russian terroristic attacks have only increased. December 29th was a massive attack on civilians across Ukraine.
Ukrainians love their country and are fighting hard for liberty and freedom. The United States must stand with Ukraine and our allies in Europe by providing immediate military aid that matters on the battlefield.
This is a stand for liberty and freedom against tyranny and terrorism.
Перемога в Україні!
Victory in Ukraine!