by richedavis | Feb 18, 2025 | Educational Ministry, Ministry, Worldview
This post is about educational philosophy. Not an exciting topic for many, but for me, this one is necessary, especially if you are engaged in or leading any institution that focuses on educating others. Surprisingly, you do not hear much about the educational...
by richedavis | Nov 18, 2024 | Combat Veteran, Educational Ministry, Informed Trauma Care, Military, Ministry, Trauma Care
Dr. Richard Davis teaching on PTSD and Moral Injuries caused by war from a Christian worldview. I firmly believe that local churches should be more involved in the care and discipleship of our combat veterans and their family members. While there remain opposing views...
by richedavis | Jul 30, 2024 | Combat Veteran, Educational Ministry, Informed Trauma Care, Military, Military Family, Ministry, Trauma Care, Travel
Stepping away from the pastorate is not always due to a personal failure as often reported today. Sometimes stepping away a local pastoral position is needed to take steps in a new ministerial direction, or as Scripture would teach for those “good works, which...
by richedavis | Apr 13, 2024 | Family, Games, Relational, Worldview
Playing basketball on the new XBox! Two decades ago, I enjoyed a variety of games. But when I retired from the military in 2011, I also left behind the gaming to dedicate my time to college and seminary. After thirteen years of study and earning two master’s...
by richedavis | Jan 24, 2024 | Educational Ministry, Ministry, Trauma Care
I like the term trauma-informed care when describing a local church ministry that seeks to care for those struggling with posttraumatic stress. But what does being trauma-informed mean in a local church setting? A clinical definition of being trauma-informed often...
by richedavis | Jan 12, 2024 | Family
I am no fashion critic, but I do like quality gear. And while there are many labels out there promoting belts and shoes for men, let me share my opinion of two companies that produce exceptional gear: Mack Belts and Go Ruck. First is Mack Belts. Just everyone else, I...
by richedavis | Dec 31, 2023 | Educational Ministry, Ministry, Trauma Care, Worldview
Within some circles of ministry there is a debate between trauma-informed care and trusting in the sufficiency of Scripture. Personally, as a Christian educator who holds a position of Scriptural Primacy, I believe this debate to be a false equivalence. Let me unpack...
by richedavis | Dec 31, 2023 | Trauma Care, Worldview
The aerial attack conducted by Russia on December 29th is being reported by many news agencies as hitting “Ukrainian targets.” These “targets” were shopping centers, apartment buildings, multiple schools, and a medical facility. The attack occurred at 6:30 p.m. in...
by richedavis | Dec 31, 2023 | Family, Food, Travel
My bride knows me very well! The tea set was my Christmas gift this year as I have grown in appreciating a hot cup of Earl Grey with a slice of lemon. She began looking for a tea set while we were in Poland and went through many webpages looking for the perfect set. A...
by richedavis | Dec 31, 2023 | Family
The surprise on my grandson’s face when he unwrapped the book Masters of Chaos on Christmas was priceless! My daughter asked earlier this year if I thought my grandson would be able to comprehend Linda Robinson’s book about Special Forces. While it could be...